Oh my stars! All through the past weekend and the Daring Baker Challenge and the past couple of days I have been sitting on this bit of superfantastic news, thrilled beyond reason, giggling and smiling to myself in shameless delight
I won this round of Hay Hay it’s Donna Day!!! The theme was terrines and the host was the lovely Tami of Running with Tweezers. I made Country Terrine for the very first time and it was a great success at the dinner party I brought it to…and now this!
Pardon this Donna-head her moment of bliss Even C, who knows how much I love Donna, and has even cooked from her magazine himself (!), knew enough to clap and cheer when I shared the news. Hehe
Not only do I win an event that I luuuurv to pieces, created by a blogger I greatly admire (that’s you Barbara!), in honor of a food-loving-stylist-cook-cookbookwriter-mother-woman-editor that I adore…if that wasn’t enough prize….I also get these beauties from Tami!!! And, yes and, I get to host the next round of Hay Hay it’s Donna Day! Thank you to everyone who voted for my maiden terrine!
So, instead of the 2nd installment of my Hong Kong posts you are getting a post that is equivalent to my little dance of joy…I hope you don’t mind terribly.
Now, down to business. Because I am sure everyone is rushing about doing important holiday things, we have decided to hold the next round of HHDD in January 2008. This is a hectic time for everyone, and I believe every free moment should be used to savor the good times and breaking bread we will be having with family and friends this time of year. Ergo, I will be posting the new theme with the corresponding recipe in January. Can you guys hold out that long? I hope so! I’m already perusing her books and magazines for the next theme. Until then, whip up holiday goodness to your heart’s delight
I’ll be off in a couple of hours…not too far, but not too near either. Hopefully, we’ll get a lot of relaxing, napping, hammock-ing, and lazy reading done. Also, seafood, cocktails, and exploring! Plus, I’m planning to gather some Christmas ornaments for my tree. Will tell you all about it when I get back …meanwhile, please pray that the weather is good to us ok?
My last bit on Hong Kong when I get back next week!
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