We interrupt the posts on my holiday up North to introduce a new member of our household! If you have seen this post, and this one, you would know that Moomin holds a special place in my heart. My best friend K (who can read my thoughts, make me smile, know exactly what bag I will like, and other such best-friend-ish talents) brought him back for me from a recent trip to Hong Kong (the biscuits in the background are Moomin biscuits also from K…double hooray!).
I know…Moomin comes from Finland, not Hong Kong, but I’ll have you know that he holidays in Asia quite often.
If you have your own unexplainable love for cute, inanimate objects such as cartoon characters and children’s toys then you know, and perhaps share, my joy. If you don’t, no fear, this will be short and the regular agenda back shortly.
Hoooraaaay! Thank you K!!! I love him 🙂
And that’s not all he can do…
You cannot imagine how brilliantly invigorating it is to see a light-up, color-changing Moomin after a stressful day at work. When the yoke of the daily grind bears heavy, be thankful if you are (like me) the type that smiles at small pleasures…you’ll never be down for long 🙂
Yay! This is just so adorable even with the lights off.
This is lovely. xoxo