We all need a little magic in our lives. Despite the noblest of intentions, and the staunchest assurances to traverse only on the sunny side of the street, even the best are sometimes felled by gloomy thoughts and crummy circumstance. And although I will very soon tell you, as I often tell myself when the proverbial poop hits the fan, to focus on all the wonderful things one must be grateful for, and the beauty to be found everywhere, let’s take a moment to acknowledge the truth…
Sh*t happens. (and with that, the first time I’ve cussed on this blog…my oh my)
Truth acknowledged…now, let’s go have some fun kicking the sh*t out of sh*t (second and third cuss, but who’s counting)
How? With magic. The magic of true friends. The magic of dancing as if no one were watching. The magic of butter on warm toast. The magic of a simple movie date with your best mate. The magic of giving yourself a break. The magic of a child’s laughter. Of hot showers. Of cool sheets. Of chocolate croissants. Of fantasy novels and reveling in the fact that you can still lose yourself in them even after 20-odd years. Of dreams…and the magic that makes you believe that they can indeed come true.
Yes, it’s everywhere. Some of it in plain sight. Some you’ve got to look a little harder for. And some very powerful types are hidden away in that secret cave from your childhood…you know, the same one where you left the strings and sealing wax and other fancy stuff?
Oh, and there’s also this.
Magic Sauce
(adapted from Heidi’s recipe on 101 Cookbooks – I love her to bits)
- 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
- 1 teaspoon rosemary leaves
- 1 teaspoon thyme leaves
- 1 tablespoon roughly chopped parsley
- 2 teaspoons pimenton de la vera, dulce (Spanish smoked sweet paprika)
- 1 garlic cloves, smashed to a paste or pressed
- 1 bay leaf
- A pinch of red pepper flakes
- Around 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
– Warm the olive oil in a pan until hot. Remove from heat and set aside.
– While the oil is heating pound the rosemary, thyme, and parsley with a mortar and pestle.
– Once the oil is off the heat for a minute or two, stir in the pimenton, garlic, bay leaf, pepper flakes, and salt.
– Add the bruised herbs and lemon to the oil and stir.
– Transfer everything to a clean jar and let cool. You can use this immediately or store in the fridge for about a week.
Heidi’s original recipe uses oregano but I didn’t have any so I substituted parsley. It also calls for a well-crumbled bay leaf but our bay leaves here are so dry that I feared even well-crumbled the bits would be too sharp and edgy, so I opted to keep it whole. This is an extremely flexible sauce and I see it working well with so many things. I have drizzled it over sautéed garlic mushrooms, sausage fried rice, mozzarellini…and even a solitary piece of bread. Next in line would be: to dress a just-off-the-fire steak, over roasted potatoes, and on a fried egg.
We all need magic…great magic and small, simple magic and complex, and yes, even the types you can whip up in five minutes and store in your fridge. Sometimes, especially those types. Don’t stop believing!
I've seen this sauce on Heidi's site and loved it too. I'll have to try it soon.
I certainly could do with some magic now, Joey – thanks for sharing
Wow, tasty! That sauce is wonderful.
Yes, we definitely all need some magic in our lives! Love the look of this magic sauce..
Aw, what an inspiring post! Made all the better by a gorgeous pic of some wonderful-looking sauce. I love it all.
Maria xx
Yum! This looks and sounds magical, indeed.
This sauce looks divine. I can't wait to make it and store it. I'm sure it'll be fantastic drizzled over perfect soft boiled eggs.
Of course, the backstory-ish piece was lovely too.
This sauce looks fabulous. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Nisrine! It's good! You should definitely try it
Hi Ling! I know what you mean…sending you some magical thoughts your way!
Hi Rosa! I love it
Hi Junglefrog! And it's so versatile!
Thanks Maria!
And thanks for stopping by 
Hi Paz! It's delicious, and so easy to make!
Hi Mieke! Soft boiled eggs! Ok…breakfast tomorrow is set
And thanks for the nice comment 
Thanks too Miri!
This would be fab just drizzled over plain pasta with slivers of sausage. Ah, simple bliss!
You cussed. Oooooh, I'm tellin'.
The healthier "Magic"!
Hi Midge! Great idea!
Hi Susan! Ssssh! I’m such a dork
Shalum! And I think I know what the “un-healthy” magic is
This looks like such a great base sauce for anything you want to roast! Terrific idea! Thanks for sharing. Must try this one soon. Love your post and your blog. Will be back again for more:)
Oh Joey your writing is beautiful. I look forward to your entries not just for the recipes but also for the wonderful use of the written word. Thanks for the inspiration!
This post is a shining (shimmering, splendid) example of why I so love reading your blog, Joey! Your charming writing, combined with your never-say-die/never-say-diet attitude and quirky wit always make me smile.
Oops! The "kat" comment is mine. I clicked too soon!
This sounds wonderful! Going to my "recipe queue". Thanks!
That sauce sounds wonderful! And yes, we all could use some magic in our lives
Hi Joey. This is not at all related to Magic sauce but I just have to let you know that my baon for lunch today is the fishtek tagalog you shared in your column in Yummy. Thanks for the easy, healthy, and yummy recipe!
Hi Elizabeth! Thank you for leaving such a nice comment
I just roasted some potatoes with it…yummy!
Hi Cathy! Thanks so much for your sweet note! It is comments from readers like you that keep me inspired
Hi Katrina! Thank you thank you! It never fails to thrill me when I get a comment on my writing from you…a pro!
Never-say-die/never-say-diet…love that!! Ok, I am going to bug Nena as soon as she is back because we need together already!
Hi Marivic! Hope you like it!
Hi Samantha! We sure do…and the eyes to see it
Hi Joy! Thank you so much for letting me know! So happy to hear that you liked it!! It’s a regular over here
This looks great! I will definitely be making this and putting it on some homemade bread or roasted potatoes:)
Ive made this sauce and confirm it is amazing!
Hi Kimberly! It would be good with both…hope you like it!
Hi Joe! Glad you enjoyed it
Thanks Dexie
Loving this sauce.. looks lipsmaking.
I love the magic sauce…. I can always use magic in my life.
Hi Pavithra! It is! Heidi is a genius
Hi Katiez! We all could!
That sauce does sound magical… I just found this blog today and I'm already getting lots of new ideas! Thanks.