I am absolutely thrilled to be hosting this month’s Lasang Pinoy. Lasang Pinoy is a Filipino food blogging event that was created so Filipinos (and those that are fond of our charming selves) around the world could have a venue to share and explore Filipino food. The brilliant idea was actually conceived when I just started blogging and I have been a fan ever since. So hosting this food blogging event is very special for me…and being asked has left me blushing with delight!
Now, here’s a little secret. I have always known what my theme would be, just in case, on the off, off chance, that one of my wonderful fellow Filipino food bloggers would ask me to host. So it’s been simmering in my head like that little idea that you have to keep to yourself until it is perfectly ripe and ready to be unleashed onto the world. Ok, maybe “unleashed onto the world” is a bit dramatic for something as wonderfully cozy as my most favorite meal of the day…and in case you haven’t guessed from the title of my blog…it’s breakfast.
Almusal means breakfast and it’s an essential part of every Filipino’s day. At least before life sneakily speeded up its pace to “breakneck” and McDonald’s had a drive-thru. It’s the fuel we need to start a day of hard work…whether it be tilling the fields or trudging through the corporate jungle. Almusal is usually a hearty affair, complete with rice and meat (or fish)…sometimes even more than one kind! Now, with everyone and his brother busy with a million and one things, a traditional almusal is sometimes left by the wayside, traded in for a quick coffee and a random something bought from your friendly coffee conglomerate on the way to work.
This month, I’d like to honor this very important part of our day, and our lives, that can give us the super powers we need to take on days fraught with tasks and errands and the 101 things we all do. So, gising na! (That means, “Wake up!”) Slow things down one morning and enjoy the special almusal that I know you deserve.
Some guidelines:
– This is open to all Filipinos out there, with a blog or without, and to everyone else who has experienced breakfast with Filipinos, or just likes having Filipino breakfasts, or has always wanted to try a Filipino breakfast food.
– You can write about your favorite Filipino breakfast food (and that means bevarages as well…barako to tsokolate!) or a regular breakfast that you have somehow filipinized, or anything you associate with Filipino breakfasts. What revs your engine in the morning Pinoys? We wanna know!
– You can email your entries to: eighty_breakfasts@yahoo.com. Please indicate your name, blog name, URL, location, and blog post permalink. If you don’t have a blog just email your entry to me and I will post it here.
– Send in all your entries on or before February 28.
There you have it! Gising na at mag-almusal na tayo! (That’s, “Wake up and let’s have breakfast!”)
*** Thanks to Iska and Mike for the great LP7 banner!
*** a personal note
Big moment for 80 Breakfasts: First time to host something…anything!
Could be the GREATEST page I read today?!