Hi there. I know I’ve been away for a bit. I know it’s been a little quiet over here. I wish I could tell you (as I usually do) that work, Halloween planning, big school decisions, friends, life, and a million and one everyday things kept me too busy. I wish. I wish for the insistent demands of the many mundane things that usually vie for my attention. Vie for all our attentions. That steady, sometimes tedious, sometimes dull, sometimes frenetic, yet steady thrum of normalcy. I wish.
My father is sick and has been in and out of the hospital for the past few months. He was diagnosed in May and it’s been a locomotive out of control since then. There have been bright spots…of hope, of fight, of a light seemingly just within reach. But a lot of it has also been uphill, bleak, worry, dread. Some days I don’t know which way is up. I don’t know what I’m doing really, or where this is going. I do know though to put on foot in front of the other and keep going. One foot in front of the other. One day at a time. Get as much information from the doctors as possible. Relay this to everyone concerned. Get work done every free second I have. Be happy in front of dad, even if right now he is mostly asleep. Check that the kids don’t run out of food. Call the laundry to get our clothes picked up. And, most importantly, tell dad I love him every time I catch his eyes open. Check, check, check…have I done everything?
Rinse, Repeat.
(Also: Why couldn’t I have been born one of those people who lose their appetites in times of anxiety?)
It goes without saying that not much cooking has been happening around these parts. The yearning I feel to put my hands on food, to chop vegetables, to massage a marinade into meat, is so palpable it’s almost physical. Not for anything else but that cooking is one of my best therapies. So, maybe (definitely) this will happen soon, but until then I’ll be sharing with you some ways to fight food waste and make the most of leftovers…a cause very dear to my heart. And something I’ve had to do a lot these past weeks as I cooking has taken the backseat. That will be up here soon – I hope you will find it as useful as I do.
In any case, I am back here simply to tell you that I’m still here. That this isn’t just a food blog but a place where I go to for sanctuary. My own personal space, since the day I put up that first hopeful post, and until now. So I’ll be back, that is for certain. Writing here, without rules or deadlines, cooking and sharing recipes, sharing ideas, sharing life…puts me right. So this is just a little note to say “hi, hello” and “I hope you stick around because I need a virtual hug right about now”.
Wishing you a good weekend…hug as many people that you can!
that you can!
There is inner strength in you, dig it. That is your fuel,replenished every sunrise!
Oh no! So sorry to hear about your father's illness. I hope that this is the worst year of it and the next years are full of healing and recovering. Or if not, I hope you and him can treasure whatever time you have left together. If you can, maybe get a babysitter for the kids OR your dad (so he has company) and get yourself in the kitchen! Just remember you need to take care of yourself to be able to take care of others. Hugs and love from the internet!!!!
*Hugs* I'll definitely stick around. I hope for better days ahead for you and your family.
Hey Joey, sending tight hugs your way! And yes, will definitely be sticking around. I'll keep watching out for interesting stories from you. Whatever it is you and your family are going through praying that things get better soon and soonest!
Thank you Pablito, Lauren, Kartunista, and Faye for your kind words, and words of wisdom as well! Means a lot and much appreciated…
sending prayers and warm thoughts your way. take care!
will include your dad & you in my prayers. be strong for him. and do take care of yourself, too. big hugs!!!
Your dad is in my prayers, Jo. Take the time you need. We'll be here.
sending you virtual hug and kisses
love, STARY
A big hug to you!
I have been there. Hospitals, ambulance rides, ICU… One finds the strength from within and from above 🙂
Giving your dad lots of love means much to him.
Take care of yourself too.
hi, been there, done that. Just keep on remembering that God is in control. Hugs!
Huuug! Just went through the same. Know that His love is wrapping around you right now. We'll be here.
sad to hear this, Joy. praying for your dad and the whole family.
i meant "Joey", not Joy
Hi Joey,
I hope your dad gets well soon and I'll keep supporting you via this site.
Thank you everyone for your kind words and thoughts and prayers! It really means a lot and is truly appreciated!
Sending thoughts of hope, healing and strength to your dad and your family. Hugs! – Claire 🙂
I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. He is in my prayers.
My wife still under chemo 🙁
Cheers from Toronto
Whatever it is you and your family are going through praying that things get better soon and soonest as possible.
we are praying.