Oh my. It’s been more than a month. Is anyone still out there? I’ve SO wanted to come back here and chat…lose myself in the tasting and the talking about food and all things gustatory…coax deliciousness out of my new kitchen and share it here.
However: That new kitchen is taking a wee bit longer than expected to iron out its final kinks. In truth, the kitchen isn’t the only place playing host to “final kinks” (thus a seemingly never-ending parade of carpenters, plumbers, and what-have-you coming and going). The unpacking seems to never end (where did we get all that stuff???). And the move of my home office posed quite a few (hair-pulling) technical mishaps (resulting in a mountain of work not unlike a 16-car pile-up with a cherry on top). And somewhere in the middle of all this there were some, um, nursing dramas (the likes of which I will not bore you with here).
But here I am now, eyes firmly focused on the light at the end of the tunnel, and, more importantly, on all the wonderment around me I am thankful for (that make those little “road bumps” seem oh so inconsequential): That I actually have a new kitchen (albeit unfinished) with a new stove that can (finally!) fit 2 cake pans at once (hello layer cakes!) and more cabinet and bench space. That I am celebrating 4 happy years today with my best team mate ever. That, as cliché as it may sound, my mother has truly become my best friend. And, certainly not the least of all reasons, this little certain someone who is bewitching us at every turn 🙂
So…lots of reasons to jump out of bed each morning despite the lack of sleep. All that plus a bowl of this. My new obsession care of Alanna. I wish I could convey to you how deliciously addicting this is. How I daydream about it all day until it is the next morning and I once again have it in my arms. Thick, comforting oatmeal made sweet and nutty…it’s so much more than a sum of its parts, truly it is. Just ask Kalyn and Pille. I’ve added my own twist here by plopping in some jelly. I’ve used guava jelly (my favorite partner for the peanut butter sandwiches of my childhood…anyone remember Lady’s Choice Stripe?) but I imagine you can use any jelly you’d like – pick the one you would normally use for a PB&J sandwich. You can find Alanna’s original recipe here. Pille’s uses the stove top if that’s what you prefer. To make mine, use either recipe and add a spoonful of jelly per bowl. This is just the thing to get you through a morning of plumbers, electricians, and carpenters, oh-my!
And speaking of those lovely fellows…I must go and get ready to greet them yet again. To those of you who are still here (marvelous bunch, I love you…I really do), the kitchen’s being revved and new food will once again be on the program soon!
Welcome back, Jo! We've missed you, but can imagine you've been busy setting up the new home. This looks delicious, and I will definitely try it, since I am STILL a fan of Lady's Choice Stripe to this day! Hope to see you soon. xx
That is an original oatmeal recipe! Yummy!
You've been missed, Joey! I have to tell you that I was reading your post about Lasang Pinoy with tuyo earlier today – and started salivating :p After work I headed off to the supermarket, bought a packet of dilis as a substitute, and came home and got cooking. Twenty minutes later saw me scarfing a plate of hot garlic rice, a fried egg, tomatoes in vinegar and chili, and a pile of crispy dilis…
I'm waiting to reprise this all over again tomorrow morning!!
Hang in there with the kitchen! These things always take longer than you planned, but it will be worth it in the end. Glad you're enjoying the peanut butter oatmeal!
I'm so excited with your new kitchen 🙂 The oatmeal looks yummy!
Love this. Don't have any PB&J so will try with almond butter and honey:)
I thought I'd be the only one to remember Lady's Choice stripe! Now it's just Smucker's Goober, no guava! 😛 I should give this a try, deviate from condensed milk every now and again 🙂
Congratulations on layer-cake capability!!
Nice to see you post again. Can't say that I've seen Lady's Choice Stripe. Must check it out when I return to the Philippines. But I LOVE Lady's Choice Spread with BACON!!!
Hi Iyor! It’s good to be back 🙂 I can’t find Stripe in the grocery! Where did you last spot it??
Hi Rosa! I love it!
Hi Ling! Aw! Thanks for hanging in there for me 🙂 Glad you enjoyed your dilis…sounds fantastic! Love that sort of breakfast too 🙂
Hi Kalyn! So true…sigh. The peanut butter oatmeal is beyond great…I crave for it!
Hi Anne! Me too! It’s already workable; just a few last touches and, sigh, some organization!
Hi The French! Almond butter and honey sound just as good! Hmmm…must remember that for future breakfasts!
Hi Manggy! It’s a classic! I can’t bear to buy Goober…I want my guava jelly! Ooh…condensed milk…I hear ya…
Hi Limer35! I can’t find Lady’s Choice Stripe here anymore 🙁 Such a shame…I think it’s the best thing they ever made…
There are many, many reasons why I love you not the least of which is your enduring love of breakfast. And oatmeal. This is divine! Happy Anniversary and all the best with the new kitchen!
This made me smile. PB and jelly always makes me feel like a kid and I'm always looking for ways to keep that brekkie oatmeal from getting boring
Hi Jo! Glad to see you back and glad to see your recipes haven't lost any of their spunk! What a great combination PBJ with oatmeal – never tried it but now just want it for breakfast!
I've been faithfully checking in and happy to see something new atop the 80 Breakfast blog. I'd love it even if it didn't look completely fetching and delicious!
That certain someone, best mate ever, mother best friend and then peanut butter & jelly oatmeal … you've got heaven on earth dear. Lap it up! Very lovely!
Joey, you just reminded me of the slow-cooked oatmeal that my mom prepares in the morning and how good it smells. Congratulations on your new kitchen!
HI ChichaJo,
Welcome back 🙂 I certainly missed yr recipes. This breakie stuff is good before going to the constructions or cutting woods 🙂 I can imagine aqll the energy. Love t looks 🙂
I am being Tried & Tasted this month and I knowyou cooked one of my pickles long time ago. You can link the post to the event, if you like, older posts are also welcome 🙂
Welcome back to the blog-world! Yeah, I remember the Lady's Choice Stripe; it was one of those things I couldn't live without as a kid. 😀
Hi Ivonne! Aw! You are the sweetest! Thank you 🙂
Hi Wizzy! Try it, I implore you! I am hopelessly infatuated with this breakfast!
Hi Trissa! It’s good to be back 🙂 This combination is magic, I promise you 🙂
Hi Gary! Thank you 🙂
Hi Tanna! I think so too 🙂 I am grateful for every moment!
Hi Veron! Slow cooked oatmeal…sounds lovely!
Hi Zlamushka! Yup, it’s quite hearty this 🙂 Yes, I loved those pickles…will link up 🙂
Hi Midge! Me too! I want it back!!
Uhm. I'm never a fan of oat. Must be due to my lack of skills in cooking them. Okay, I'll try again this weekend 🙂
Hm, I must admit, it's been a while since I bought Lady's Choice stripe – last time I found it was in Waltermart Supermarket across Don Bosco, beside my old office. So that must have been over 3 years ago, since my last trip there was before I gave birth! I didn't see it in Market Market last time I was there, and I did look. As soon as I find some, I'll let you know!
I always start my day off with a bowl of crunchy peanut butter oatmeal. I will have to try the jelly tomorrow. Great blog!
Hi Anh! Not everyone likes oats…in fact, there are probably more people who don’t like it than people who do! 🙂
Hi Iyor! Yes, please let me know if you bump into some…I’ll do likewise!
Hi Kait! Thanks! Isn’t it a great way to start the day? 🙂
sounds great! gonna give it a go next week for breakfast at grub st.
My favorite hot cereal is fluffernutter oatmeal… basically the same as yours but I use marshmallow fluff instead of jelly. Mmmm! Tasty!
Hey there 🙂
one of the most Important thing when i get up in the morning is the decision what should i talk in the break fast,its so confusing that i can t make a decision ends up with simple meal Fried eggs and Bread with tea
please suggest any combination of breakfasts
thanks alot
Hi Stix! Hope you like it 🙂
Hi Laura Helen! Oh wow! That sounds over the moon! 🙂
Hi Bilalmujtabakhan…you can check my archives under Breakfast for ideas 🙂
Oh my!!! Sounds incredible. Must make soon!!
Peanut butter with oatmeal, genius! And the jam sounds super fun too.
Joey, that photo made me catch my breath!!! My sister and I both positively adore peanut butter, so between us, we've tried it combined with many things; but I can't believe I've never thought to combine it with oatmeal, another thing I lurrrve! And now that I know "real oatmeal" (meaning not instant, which just doesn't give me the same comfort) can be made in two minutes in the microwave (no pot to wash, YAY!), I'll be eating this cereal more often now. In fact, tonight I just bought some old-fashioned oats, and soon they will meet some peanut butter and jelly. I can't wait!!!
On a related note, have you eaten at Lu? Their PB&J Tart is swoon-worthy! My friends found it too rich, so I ended up eating most of it all by myself. 😀 If you've seen how big it is, and tasted how heavy it is, you will know that, even for me, that was no small feat! 😉
Hi Laura! Hope you enjoy it 🙂
Hi Bordeaux! I could really hug Alanna for the recipe!
Hi Katrina! Let me know how you like it! I am still so totally addicted to this combination 🙂 I haven't eaten in Lu yet but I now know what I'm going to have for dessert…that tart! It sounds divine! If it's too big then I'll have half for breakfast the next day 😉
I still haven't had the oatmeal. Just wanted to let you know that I bought some almond butter tonight and that will be spooned into the bowl soon, as well. Can't wait!
hay Katrina
I hope you and your peanut better had good time together.
Nice that you have shared with us
I tried the oatmeal with some PB and blueberry jam about a week ago, but wasn't happy with the proportions and consistency, so I didn't write you right away. Today, I repeated it using milk instead of water, with a bit more PB, and this time, with honey (inspired by Skippy's Honey Roasted PB, which I love). SUCCESS!!! It was sooo yummy and comforting, just like you said! And I can pretend it's a healthy lunch (despite the sugar). Happy me! 🙂
Hi Katrina! So glad you made it! It really is lovely isn't it? 🙂 I am still so smitten to this day! Sometimes I use agave syrup…
I love the addition of jelly, Joey!! So exciting to hear about the new home – with a new baby, I can just imagine how time-consuming and all-encompassing this nesting can be 🙂
Hi Pille! The jelly is my sweetener 🙂 The nesting is definitely a major thing…but we are loving our new home for our new family 🙂
FINALLY!!! I LOVE this, and everyone I talk to says this is gross!